Intelligent manufacturing engineering


This major aims to provide students with a professional background in intelligent manufacturing engineering, analytical and management skills, while cultivating their creativity, independent thinking, team collaboration abilities, and an international perspective. Students enrolling in this program are required to abide by the Constitution and laws of the People's Republic of China, possess a dedication to scientific causes, exhibit good moral character and scientific literacy, maintain physical and mental health, and demonstrate resilience.



Employment prospects

Graduates majoring in intelligent manufacturing engineering have broad employment prospects. As the global manufacturing industry transforms towards intelligence and automation, the demand for intelligent manufacturing engineering professionals is growing day by day. Graduates can find job opportunities in high-tech manufacturing companies, automation equipment companies, robotics companies, software development companies, and related consulting service industries. They are suitable for professional and technical positions such as intelligent system design, automated production line management, industrial data analysis, robot programming and maintenance, etc. In addition, graduates also have the foundation for further research and academic development in scientific research institutions or institutions of higher learning. With the advancement of Industry 4.0, professionals in the field of intelligent manufacturing will continue to be welcomed by the market.

Industry 4.0 system integration

Industry 4.0 system integration is one of the core contents of the intelligent manufacturing major. Graduates can work in manufacturing companies or system integrators, responsible for the design, implementation and optimization of Industry 4.0 solutions, including Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, advanced robotics, etc.

Smart factory and automation

Graduates can be responsible for the design and operation of smart factories in manufacturing enterprises, including the management and optimization of automated production lines, and the integration and maintenance of smart manufacturing systems. They will apply the advanced manufacturing technology and automation knowledge they have learned to improve production efficiency and product quality.

In the field of industrial data analysis, graduates can serve as data analysts, using big data and machine learning technologies to analyze production data to optimize production processes, predict equipment failures and improve resource utilization.

Graduates can participate in the design and development of smart products, such as smart home devices, smart wearable devices, smart sensors, etc. They will apply the interdisciplinary knowledge learned in the smart manufacturing major to develop innovative and market-competitive smart products.

Semiconductor manufacturing is an important direction of intelligent manufacturing major. Graduates can work in manufacturing process control, advanced packaging technology, materials science and quality engineering in the semiconductor industry to promote the development of semiconductor technology.