City University of Hong Kong (Dongguan) Undergraduate Outstanding Subject Scholarship

Apr 20,2024

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1. In order to encourage students to study hard and pursue excellence, especially students who perform outstandingly in a single subject, scholarships for outstanding undergraduate subjects are specially established and implemented.

Article 2. These regulations and implementation rules apply to full-time undergraduate students of our school who will enroll in 2024. City University of Hong Kong (Dongguan) has the final right of interpretation and decision on the awarding of outstanding subject scholarships.


Chapter 2 Scholarship Amount and Period

Article 3. Scholarship quota for outstanding subjects: RMB 50,000 per academic year.

Article 4. Scholarships for outstanding subjects are awarded for a maximum period of 4 academic years. This scholarship is only awarded to students during their undergraduate studies at City University of Hong Kong (Dongguan), and the award period is up to 4 years; it is only awarded to undergraduate students for combined undergraduate and master's programs and direct undergraduate students.


Chapter 3 Assessment Criteria

Article 5: Undergraduate students who score more than 140 points (out of 150) or 95 points (out of 100) in a single subject or multiple subjects in the college entrance examination can receive outstanding subject scholarships after registering for admission.

Article 6: The evaluation of outstanding subject scholarships for undergraduate students cannot be combined with the Freshman Entrance Scholarship and the International Talent Scholarship. The highest award amount will be used.


Chapter 4 Conditions for Continuation

Article 7. Only those award-winning students whose GPA reaches 3.3 (full score 4.3) in each academic year can renew the award in the subsequent academic year. The above GPA only counts the Spring Festival and autumn semesters. If the student's average GPA during the academic year does not meet the above renewal requirements, the scholarship can still be retained and the student will enter a one-year observation period. If the average GPA in the following year does not meet the renewal requirements, the award of the outstanding subject scholarship will be terminated.


Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions

Article 8: These measures will be implemented from 2024, and the Admissions Office will be responsible for interpretation. If there are any adjustments or changes, you will be notified separately.